Registration & Ordering

Ordering on the On-Line shop
To order on-line you could create an account or order as a visitor (simply choose for 'visitor' on the check-out page). To create an account Click here to register, or go to 'Login' on the right hand side of the menu. Fill in your details and choose a users name and password (these are capital letter sensitive). After registering, you will receive an e-mail to confirm and activate your account. You will then be able to order online with account. Don't forget to keep your users name and password safe. You can also order a a visitor. Simply choose 'visitor' on the check-out page. You don't have to register but you will have to fill in your address, etc, each time you order.

Privacy Policy
At RodVisions, we handle your personal information as careful as possible, the site is extra secured with URL locks. Your data will only be used for internal use and when necessary to make inquiries about your order. It is never given out to third parties.

Changing your information
You can change your account information by first logging in, then clicking on 'My Account'. If you have any problems with changing info, don't hesitate to contact Rod Visions. We will gladly help you.

Removing your account information

You can cancel your account at anytime. Just phone us +31 (0)55-3666256 or mail with your removal request. All your information will be removed immediately from our servers.


RodVisions Components
Molenweg 23
7382BV Klarenbeek


Tel.: +31(0)55-3666256
Mob.: 06-19326927